6 Quotes & Sayings By Tyrean Martinson

Tyrean Martinson is a singer/songwriter from Ohio who has been performing professionally since 1999. He has written songs for artists like Tamia, KB, and Mista Black. Tyrean is the author of the book "The Broken Hearted."

Slowly, the light receded, and she could see a singe sword, hanging in the air, a sword of pure white, of light and truth. Tyrean Martinson
Everyone had a story behind them, a past richer than she had imagined. Tyrean Martinson
A simple word or phrase on a blank sheet of paper gathers momentum as I wonder at what it could mean, where it could take place, why, and what if? .. . And then, I write. Tyrean Martinson
OnceI heard her huskylaughter pour out likerain after a drought Tyrean Martinson
Once upon a time in a basement library nook, I stumbled upon my first favorite book. Pulled into adventure as the pages unfurled, I found treasures greater than gold or pearls. Tyrean Martinson